8 Things Your Contribution To Creative Capital Supports!

Many people don’t know that Creative Capital raises every dollar we give to artists. As we get ready to close out another busy year, we thought we’d share a few unique ways that we put your donations to work.
By contributing to Creative Capital, you are supporting:
1. Groundbreaking new work from artists of all ages.
unnamed-1We believe in supporting catalytic moments at all stages of artists’ careers. In our 2012 Moving Image class, the ages ranged from Ghanian-American filmmaker Akosua Adoma Owusu at 27 to experimental film legend Ken Jacobs, who became a Creative Capital Artist at the age of 78 (both pictured left).
2. Artists who defy categorization.
Our goal is to support a diverse body of work across all disciplines. Sam Van Aken is redrawing the boundaries of evolution by engineering trees that grow 40 varieties of fruit. His Tree of 40 Fruit went viral over the summer – you might have heard about it on NPR, Hufffington Post, CBS and USA Today, among many others!

3. Career-building workshops for 8,000+ growing artists.
Our workshop and webinar leaders have traveled more than 300,000 miles to 400+ communities to strengthen the careers of artists, helping them not just survive, but thrive in their creative lives.
4. Low interest bridge loans to help artists tackle unexpected hurdles
Tia Lessin and Carl Deal used our alumni loan fund to finish their provocative film Citizen Koch when a major funder backed out, noting that, “The cash infusion from Creative Capital enabled us to meet pressing financial obligations.” Their powerful film rippled through the nation and was short-listed for an Academy Award!
5. Opportunities for artists to present their work.
unnamed-3We like to say that the Creative Capital Artist Retreat is the greatest information swap meet in the history of the arts! 350 artists, arts professionals and arts advocates come together to network and exchange ideas across disciplines. Many artists leave with new opportunities to collaborate and present their work nationally and internationally.
6. Childcare for parent artists.
unnamedWe strive to have a flexible and holistic approach that supports our artists across all aspects of their professional and personal lives. Our funding can be used in many creative ways to help artists carve out time to work on their projects. eteam even created their own child-friendly residency while conducting research in Taipei.
7. Artists who are changing the world.
Creative Capital Artists have huge goals! Jae Rhim Lee’s Infinity Burial Project aims to revolutionize the funeral industry through greener burial practices. She has used Creative Capital funds for everything from the development of a flesh-eating mushroom to attending the National Funeral Directors Conference, and our advisory services have helped her create in-depth plans to tackle one of the most toxic industries.
8. Our commitment of $30 million to 500+ individual artists nationwide.

We see the direct and powerful impact of our work with artists everyday. But we can’t do it without your support. Join us as we invest in artists who shape the future!

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