Podcasts: Artist-to-Artist Advice from our 2012 Grantee Orientation

We’re planning the Orientation Weekend for our 2013 class of grantees and revisiting some of the presentations from last year’s sessions. We wanted to share a couple of excerpts, in which our previously-funded grantees offered great advice to the new group.
In the first podcast, Pablo Helguera (2005 Visual Arts) talks about unexpected setbacks he encountered while traveling with his School of Panamerican Unrest project. In 2006, Helguera drove with a portable schoolhouse from Alaska to Argentina, exploring the historical ideals of Pan-Americanism. In this 10-minute excerpt, he talks about that journey and what he learned about the importance of staying flexible and fluid in your expectations for ambitious, community-engaged projects.
In the second podcast, Sandi DuBowski (2000 Film/Video), Jennifer Fox (2005 Film/Video) and Braden King (2005 Film/Video) discuss their past experiences in raising funds for their film projects. Each of these three filmmakers have tried different approaches to raise the funds needed to make and distribute their work.
LISTEN: Pablo Helguera on Planning and Flexibility
LISTEN: Sandi DuBowski, Jennifer Fox and Braden King on Funding Your Work
SUBSCRIBE: Creative Capital Podcasts on iTunes

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